Immortal Soil at Dark Science: New Moon
Thursday 17 August
We are pleased to have Immortal Soil present an emphemeral artwork for Dark Science: New Moon. Lismore Quad, 11 Rural St, Bundjalung Country, Lismore.
Bob Horan and Selena Murray are the collaborative artist duo Immotal Soil, currently based in Northern NSW, Australia. With over 30 years experience in event production and flower installations, Immortal Soil pursues and creates worlds within worlds, a blend of nature, emotional fantasy, soundscapes, and a retreat from the real world.
Influenced by the mystery and impermanence of nature, they work with naturally occuring, often unappreciated, materials to create dramatic, large-scale, and site specific botanical sculptures. Their sculptures often mimic the natural world and act as a gateway to connection, enticing viewers to observe what may not be otherwisae visible.
This event is part of Dark Science: New Moon, a National Science Week program supported by Inspiring Australia and created in partnership with Lismore Quadrangle, Lismore Regional Gallery, Lismore Library and Lismore City Council.